Are you looking for a part-time job? Or unsure whether a part-time job can be combined with your studies? Here you will find tips and advice on working while studying.
Many degree programs allow you to take on a part-time job during the semester or semester break. Depending on your interests and abilities, there is a wide range of employment opportunities. However, this often requires a good deal of initiative and self-discipline.
Increased career opportunities
Professional or work experience gained while studying increases the chances of finding employment when starting a career.
Having a part-time job that is related to your field of study allows you to gain experience for a later career. For example by,
- Substitute teaching for future teachers
- Hospital night duty for future doctors
A part-time job that is not related to your field of study can help you acquire important interdisciplinary skills that will be important when you start your career. For example,
- Communication skills in a job with customer contact
- Teamwork skills for part-time jobs with team members
Possible extension of period of study
When taking on a part-time job, always consider the time commitment you have for your studies. Some fields of study involve a highly structured timetable and a large number of semester hours. Working part-time can be difficult or even have a negative impact on your studies.
- Paid employment is usually recognised as a reason for extending the period of study. A workload of 25% or more is considered a reason for an extension.
- We recommend that students with a higher workload clarify the possible consequences for their field of study with their academic advisor.
Especially at the beginning of your studies, timetables are often full and you have to familiarise yourself with a lot of new things. In our experience, a part-time job is often more compatible with your studies during the second half of the semester.
How do I find a part-time job?
There are various ways to find a part-time job:
- Job advertisements on public notice boards and billboards
- Job advertisements in the print media (newspapers, magazines, etc.)
- Job advertisements online, on various portals and platforms
- Blind applications to companies that have not advertised a vacancy
- Activation of your private (or former professional) network