Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneUniversities of Bern Counselling Centre

Fields of (professional) activity

Once you have a higher education degree, a variety of professional fields are open to you – of course, always depending on your chosen field of study. Here you will find some helpful links and information on how to find out more about suitable professional and occupational fields.


We recommend the official Swiss information portal for counselling on career, studies and professional path (berufsberatung.ch) to get a good overview of the career options:

Would you like to gain realistic insights into the day-to-day work of your favourite career with the help of career portraits? The website berufsberatung.ch also offers helpful information on this subject:

Does your professional future possibly lie in Germany? Find out at the German Federal Employment Agency, the comprehensive and professional information portal for Germany:

Direct contact with professionals

It makes sense to cross-check your own ideas about a preferred occupation or occupational field with reality and talk to appropriate professionals. There are several ways to establish the contacts you need with professionals.

Print media

In the library of Counselling Centre Universities of Bern we lend out various print media with useful information that is not available online. These are, for example, the following books:

The «Perspectives» booklet series provides information on the relevant professional and further education opportunities and the labour market for virtually all existing fields of study. It also features portraits of various career starters, e.g. the career prospects for religious studies graduates or for graduates of other «minor» subjects:

Browsing job advertisements

Looking through job advertisements helps you to see what is in demand on the labour market or in your desired company. Some job advertisements only give a rough idea of the scope of the job, the job profile, the requirements or the prerequisites. However, if you are interested and have specific questions, you can usually ask the employer directly without being overly shy.

  • Job search and networking (informal interview)

  • Counselling services (overview)

  • Strengthen your well-being (overview)

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